Friday, 20 December 2013

IT Technology: Warmest Greetings from Apple and Google

Apple and Google come out with the fabulous ideas for this festival season.

<<Apple: 12 Days of Gifts>>
This year will be the first Apple has included the U.S. in its annual giveaway tradition, which was previously limited to iOS device users in Europe and Canada. As in past years, Apple will be giving away a free downloadable song, app, book, movie or TV show each day from Dec. 26 though Jan. 6. Offers can be claimed through the app and are valid for 24 hours.

<<Google: Let's Go Caroling>>
In any event, when you search Google now for [Let's Go Caroling], you get a bunch of different carols to choose from and click on. You also get a bunch of festive people dressed in Google colors singing (like a karaoke machine).

12 Days of Gifts

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Microsoft: Mount Drive with Windows Command Line by Prompting User for Username and Password

The Windows command line below allows you to mount multiple drives by only prompting user to enter the username and password once. Before another user tries to mount the drives, the script will first unmount the previous mounted drives.

@echo ##############################################
@echo ##### Mount Drive Script by Andres Cheah #####
@echo ##############################################
@echo #####                                    #####
@echo ##                                          ##
@echo #                                            #
@echo off
net use x: /delete
net use z: /delete
set /p id=Please enter your username: %=%
set /p password=Please enter your password: %=%
net use x: \\fileserver1\Home %password% /user:domain1\%id%
net use z: \\\Class %password% /user:domain2\%id%


Microsoft: Add All the Disabled Users to A Distribution Group in Active Directory

The Powershell script below allows you to add all the disabled users to a distribution group for easy account management.

$group = (Get-ADGroup 'DistributionGroup_1').DistinguishedName
$users = Get-ADUser -Filter {(Enabled -eq $false) -and (-not (memberof -eq $group))} -SearchBase "OU=Test,OU=TestTest,DC=gh,DC=local"
foreach ($user in $users) {
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $user | % {Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $user -MemberOf $_}
Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -identity $user -Memberof "Domain Users","DistributionGroup_1"

Microsoft: Disable User's Account, Remove All The Membership and Add The User to A Distribution Group in Active Directory

The Powershell script below allows you to disable an user's account, remove all his/her membership and add him/her to a distribution group for easy account management. This script helps when an user checks out from a company / resign.

# User Disable Script
# Author: Andres Cheah
# NOTE: This script allows you to disable an user's account, remove all his/her membership and add him/her to DisableMailbox group.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
add-PSSnapin  quest.activeroles.admanagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

function Get-DNC
Param (
    $DomainDNC = $RDSE.defaultNamingContext
    Return $DomainDNC

$NC = (Get-DNC([adsi]("LDAP://RootDSE")))

function get-dn ($SAMName)
  $root = [ADSI]''
  $searcher = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($root)
$searcher.filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName= $SAMName))"
$user = $searcher.findall()

if ($user.count -gt 1)
            $count = 0
            foreach($i in $user)
write-host $count ": " $i.path
                  $count = $count + 1

            $selection = Read-Host "Please select item: "
return $user[$selection].path

  return $user[0].path

function programEX(){

Write-Host "******************************************************"
Write-Host "* User Disable Script"
Write-Host "* Author: Andres Cheah"
Write-Host "* NOTE: This script allows you to disable an user's"
Write-Host "* account, remove all his/her membership and add"
Write-Host "* him/her to DisableMailbox group."
Write-Host "******************************************************"
Write-Host ""
[console]::ForegroundColor = "yellow"
[console]::BackgroundColor= "black"
$Name = Read-Host "Please enter the username you wish to disable"
$status = "disable"
$path = get-dn $Name
"'" + $path + "'"

$QADPath = Get-QADUser -Identity $Name

if ($status -match "disable")
# Disable the account
$account.psbase.invokeset("AccountDisabled", "True")

[console]::ForegroundColor = "cyan"
[console]::BackgroundColor= "black"
$Reason = Read-Host "Please enter a description"

Set-QADUser -Identity $Name -Description "$Reason"
Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $Name | % {Remove-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $Name -MemberOf $_}
Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -identity $Name -Memberof "Domain Users","DisableMailbox"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "The user has been disabled and moved." -ForegroundColor "Red"
Write-Host ""

$Choice = Read-Host "Would you like to disable another account? [y]"
If ($Choice.ToLower() -eq "y"){

Monday, 11 November 2013

Cisco: Configure SNMPv3 on Cisco Catalyst Switches

Configuring SNMPv3 on Cisco Catalyst switches is pretty simple and is much preferred over v1 or v2. SNMPv3 has three big benefits:

1. Authentication — we can be assured that the message originated from a valid source
2. Integrity — we can be assured that a packet has not been modified in transit
3. Encryption — no more plain-text SNMP data flying around our network

First off, we need to decide what hosts should be allowed to query our switch using SNMP. In my case, this is a single host with the IP address We’ll create a new access control list (ACL) on the switch to restrict access to SNMP.

2960# conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
2960(config)# ip access-list standard SNMP
2960(config-std-nacl)# permit host
2960(config-std-nacl)# deny any log
2960(config-std-nacl)# exit

Next, I create a group named "public". Then, I’ll create a user named “testtest” with randomly generated authentication and privacy passwords (used for authentication and encryption). We’ll use the HMAC SHA algorithm for authentication and 128-bit AES encryption. In addition, we’ll associate the “SNMP” ACL that we created earlier with this user.

2960(config)# snmp-server group public v3 auth
2960(config)# snmp-server user testtest public v3 auth sha 6546512165132 priv des 8798456146156 access SNMP

Exit global configuration mode and save the config.

2960(config)# exit
2960# copy run start

1. Configuring SNMP

Microsoft: Sending Email Attachment Problem with iDevices in Microsoft Exchange 2010

Send an attachment (photo for example), and initially there's always an error popping up, "Sending this message failed". Go to outbox, hit refresh, and it sends. (9 out of 10 times). ActiveSync logging doesn't reveal anything.

When you use certificate authentication you have to set the uploadReadAheadSize in the IIS metabase to your max email size, the default is 48KB so nearly any attachment cannot be sent/forwarded.

 With the following command you can change the value (in this case 21MB):
 C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/serverRuntime /uploadReadAheadSize:"21504000" /commit:apphost

 C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config "Default Web Site" -section:system.webServer/serverRuntime /uploadReadAheadSize:"2150400" /commit:apphost

 After this restart the IISAdmin service to affect the change.

1.  iPhone sending attachment problems

Friday, 1 November 2013

VMware: VMware Certified Associate - Data Center Virtualization ( VCA-DCV )

I have just passed my VMware Certified Associate - Data Center Virtualization ( VCA-DCV ) exam. You will be able to answer all the questions after you have gone through the VMware Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals training provided by VMware.

After passed this exam, I am currently a VCP, VCA-DCV, VCA-Cloud and VCA-WM certified engineer.

1.  VMware Certified Associate - Data Center Virtualization ( VCA-DCV )

2.  VMware Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals

VMware: VMware Certified Associate - Workforce Mobility ( VCA-WM )

I have just passed my VMware Certified Associate - Workforce Mobility ( VCA-WM ) exam. You will be able to answer all the questions after you have gone through the VMware Workforce Mobility Fundamentals training provided by VMware.

1.  VMware Certified Associate - Workforce Mobility ( VCA-WM )

2.  VMware Workforce Mobility Fundamentals

VMware: VMware Certified Associate - Cloud ( VCA-Cloud )

I have just passed my VMware Certified Associate - Cloud ( VCA-Cloud ) exam. It is a quite challenging exam. However, you will be able to answer all the questions after you have gone through the VMware Cloud Fundamentals training provided by VMware.

1.  VMware Certified Associate - Cloud (VCA-Cloud)

2.  VMware Cloud Fundamentals

Thursday, 10 October 2013

IT Technology: Brainbench

I have passed Brainbench Problem Solving assessment, Brainbench Project Management assessment and Brainbench Coaching assessment. I believe that these certificates are going to add some values to my resume.

Brainbench is one of the leader in online certification. Brainbench is:
  • Pioneering career advancement tools for individuals since 1998
  • 600 challenging skills tests including dozens for FREE
  • Over 10 million members and counting
  • Online Account: Share your resume, certifications, test results, and career information
  • See Where you Stand feature compares your scores with other Brainbench test-taker


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Peplink: Peplink Certified Engineer (PCE)

Peplink is a leader in developing Internet load balancing and failover solutions. The Balance dual-WAN and multi-WAN routers have allowed businesses to increase Internet reliability, get better performance, and cut costs. Peplink Balance routers have been deployed around the world, helping thousands of businesses stay connected to the Internet and enhance productivity. Peplink has formed partnerships with distributors and system integrator worldwide.

As a Peplink Certified Engineer (PCE), you will be recognized as an expert at making product recommendations, troubleshooting Peplink products and out-maneuvering competitors during RFQs. Peplink Certified Engineers will get the latest scoop on our products, and have an important say in our product creation process. Peplink certification is more than just about passing a test, it is about joining an elite community.

1.  Peplink

2.  Peplink Certified Engineer

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Cisco: Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Routing and Switching

I have just passed my CCNA (640-802 CCNA) exam. Here are the reading materials that I have used to pass my CCNA:

Exam Dumps:
1.  Cisco Acme 640-802 v2013-08-06 by Acme 649q.vce

2.  Cisco ActualTests 640-802 v2013-01-28 by Spike 662q.vce

Lab Practice:

Both of the exam dumps and lab practice have 100% covered all the exam questions.

1.  Visual CertExam Suite.3.0.1 with Patch

2.  CCNA Routing and Switching

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

AppleScript: Shut Down or Restart Your MacBook with Linux Shell Scripting

The following Linux Shell script allows you to shut down or restart your MacBook with a simple click. You can also use the script with any MacBook management software (eg. Casper) to remind your users to shut down or restart their machine.


VARIABLE=$(/usr/bin/osascript <<-EOF
tell application "System Events"
                set question to display dialog "The machine has not been shut down or restarted for more than a week. Please shut down or restart the machine by clicking on Shut Down or Restart." with title "System Event by Andres Cheah, MCM" buttons {"Shut Down", "Restart", "Cancel"} with icon caution
                set answer to button returned of question
                if answer is equal to "Shut Down" then
                                tell application "System Events"
                                                shut down
                                end tell
                end if
                if answer is equal to "Restart" then
                                tell application "System Events"
                                end tell
                end if
                if answer is equal to "Cancel" then
                end if
end tell

IT Technology: YouTube to Allow Offline Viewing in App from November 2013

YouTube videos will soon be watchable without an internet connection, the video sharing site has revealed.

From November you'll be able to download videos to watch later using the YouTube app on mobile devices.

Other video apps like BBC iPlayer and 4OD already let you download videos to watch later, which auto-delete in time.

But on its Creators blog, YouTube says you'll be able to watch videos you've downloaded as long as your device goes online at least once every 48 hours.

The blog says: "This upcoming feature will allow people to add videos to their device to watch for a short period when an Internet connection is unavailable.

"So your fans' ability to enjoy your videos no longer has to be interrupted by something as commonplace as a morning commute."

YouTube to Allow Offline Viewing in App from November

Friday, 20 September 2013

AppleScript: Shut Down or Restart Your MacBook

The following script allows you to shut down or restart your MacBook with a simple click. You can also use the script with any MacBook management software (eg. Casper) to remind your users to shut down or restart their machine.


set question to display dialog "The machine has not been shut down or restarted for more than a week. Please shut down or restart the machine by clicking on Shut Down or Restart." with title "System Event by Andres Cheah, MCM" with icon stop buttons {"Shut Down", "Restart", "Cancel"}
set answer to button returned of question
if answer is equal to "Shut Down" then
tell application "System Events"
shut down
end tell
end if
if answer is equal to "Restart" then
tell application "System Events"
end tell
end if
if answer is equal to "Cancel" then
end if

Thursday, 19 September 2013

IT Technology: Will Domain Name System (DNS) Affect Browsing Experience / Internet Slow?

Yes. DNS will definitely affect your browsing experience or cause the Internet slow.

The Domain Name System (DNS) is an hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the Internet or a private network. It associates various information with domain names assigned to each of the participating entities. Most prominently, it translates easily memorized domain names to the numerical IP addresses needed for the purpose of locating computer services and devices worldwide. By providing a worldwide, distributed keyword-based redirection service, the Domain Name System is an essential component of the functionality of the Internet.

Improper DNS selection will cause packet drop and high latency. Thus, this will affect your browsing experience and Internet slow. 

In Malaysia, if you are using TM service, you may want to use the following DNS so that you can browse the Internet smoothly.

<<Streamyx>> or


In order to configure the DNS in your Windows 7 computer, please check out the website at

Domain Name System

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

AppleScript: Add or Create New Keychain

The following AppleScript allows you to add or create new a Keychain entry.


set _account to the text returned of (display dialog "User name" with title "Keychain by Andres Cheah, MCM" with icon note buttons {"OK"} default button 1 default answer "")
set _password to the text returned of (display dialog "Password" with title "Keychain by Andres Cheah, MCM" with icon note buttons {"OK"} default button 1 default answer "" with hidden answer)
set _creator to "apsr" -- Abbrevation for AppleScript
set _keychain to "Application"
set _app_keychain to "/Applications/Utilities/Keychain"
set _ac to _account & "@ABC.local"
set _label to "Twitterrific"
set _srvr to "Twitterrific"
set _pw to _password
do shell script ¬
"/usr/bin/security add-generic-password " & ¬
" -a " & _ac & ¬
" -l " & _label & ¬
" -c " & _creator & ¬
" -s " & _srvr & ¬
" -w " & _pw & ¬
" -T " & quoted form of _app_keychain & ¬
" -A " & _keychain
display dialog "You have added your Keychain successfully. Click OK to exit." with title "Keychain by Andres Cheah, MCM" with icon caution buttons {"OK"} default button 1
end try

Google: YouTube Disco

YouTube's got millions of songs on its servers, and now, thanks to Vevo, a hefty slice of them are totally aboveboard. In Disco, YouTube's built an official, media-player-like front-end for all this music, with a Pandora-like discovery tool.

Disco's playlisting functionality is still a bit limited, and it's hard to tell what metrics are driving the music recommendation service, which isn't nearly as astute as's or Pandora's. And since this is YouTube, there's a very real risk that whatever song you think has been added to your playlist could be the Alp1ne Techno-y0del remixXx of said song. But it's a minor tradeoff, because good god, YouTube has everything.

YouTube Disco

Google: YouTube EDU

YouTube EDU brings learners and educators together in a global video classroom. On YouTube EDU, you have access to a broad set of educational videos that range from academic lectures to inspirational speeches and everything in between.

Come here for quick lessons from top teachers around the world, course lectures from top-class universities or inspiring videos to spark your imagination.

  • Learn
Visit YouTube EDU to find short lessons from top teachers around the world, full courses from the world’s leading universities, professional development material from fellow educators and inspiring videos from global thought leaders.
  • Teach
Use YouTube videos to enrich your classroom lessons. Spark a conversation. Make theoretical concepts come alive. Tap into the mind of the visual learner. See how educators like you are incorporating video into their lessons and join the YouTube Teachers community.
  • Create
Build a global classroom on YouTube EDU by creating educational videos then uploading them to your YouTube channel. Nominate a channel to be added to YouTube EDU.
  • YouTube for Schools
Access thousands of educational videos on YouTube EDU from within your school network by signing up for YouTube for Schools.

YouTube EDU

Thursday, 5 September 2013

IT Technology: Zoho Calendar

Zoho Calendar allows you schedule, manage and track your meetings and events. Groups and teams can easily share their planned activities so everyone is on the same page, and with Zoho Calendar's powerful sharing controls, you can share only what you want to. In addition, Zoho Calendar also gives you an unified view across many Zoho Apps, from Zoho CRM appointments to Zoho Projects deadlines.

  • Group CalendarNew

This efficiently brings the team together, on a common calendar. All members can create and modify events.

  • Send and receive invitations

Invite people to events on their email address. Best thing is that invites can be sent to any email service.

  • Get reminders for events

Get event reminders on email, as a pop-up or both. We notify you up to 90 days prior to the commencement of the event.

  • Share and Embed

Share your calendar with individuals or a group. You can publish it on your website for public viewing too.

  • Subscribe and Import

You can subscribe to holiday calendars and public calendars. In addition, you can import events from friends' calendars too.

  • Mobile Access for Zoho Calendar

Access your Zoho Calendar on your mobile, from wherever you are. You can also create new events using Smart Add.

  • Associate with other applications

From Zoho Calendar, you can access other Zoho applications, which are CRM, Meeting, Business and Planner.

1. Zoho Calender

Education: Prezi

With Prezi, you move seamlessly from brainstorming your ideas to presenting them. Create a more cinematic and engaging experience and lead your audience down a path of discovery.

  • Presentations
Prezi's zooming presentation software lets you choose between the freedom of the cloud, the security of your desktop, or the mobility of the iPad or iPhone.

And because Prezi is 3D, you can guide your audience through a truly spatial journey. Zoom out to show the overview of your prezi, zoom in to examine the details of your ideas, or simply move freely through the prezi and react to your audience’s input.

Work online or off
Work online and store your prezis in the cloud, or work offline with Prezi Desktop and keep your prezis on your own computer.

  • Meetings
Prezi makes it easy to share your ideas with your clients, colleagues, classmates, or the world. Co-edit in real time, from across the room or across the globe.

Prezi for teams
Prezi Meeting is perfect for teams. Brainstorm, create, and present your ideas in one shared virtual whiteboard. Collaborate across times zones and in real time with up to 10 colleagues.

  • Mobility
Start your prezi in the cloud, finish it on the plane, show it on your iPad or iPhone.

Sign up for our public license and get our basic cloud-based service. To work offline on your PC or Mac, check out Prezi Desktop. For ultimate mobility, download Prezi for iPad and Prezi for iPhone.

Go mobile
The touch screen is ideal for zooming into the finer details of your pitch or portfolio.

1. Zoom into Prezi

Education: Google Apps for Education

Google Apps for Education is totally FREE!!!


  • Security and privacy first

Google Apps for Education includes dozens of critical security features specifically designed to keep your data safe, secure and in your control. Your data belongs to you, and Apps tools enable you to control it, including who you share it with and how you share it. Our data center network provides exceptional security and guarantees* reliable access to your data, 24x7x365.25 (that’s right: no rest, even on leap years).

  • Stay connected from anywhere

With Google Apps for Education, everything is automatically saved in the cloud - 100% powered by the web. This means that emails, documents, calendar and sites can be accessed - and edited - on almost any mobile device or tablet. Anytime, anywhere.

  • Bring students, teachers and teams together

Fast, easy collaboration is what makes Google Apps unique. Our website and document creation tools offer real-time editing, powerful sharing controls, and seamless compatibility – an ideal environment for learning in the 21st century.

  • Get stuff done faster

Google Apps for Education can help streamline academic tasks like essay writing and class scheduling. A group of students can work together on a piece of work in Google Docs, seeing changes in real time rather than waiting for versions to be sent via email. Students can see exactly when their professors are available and vice verse with Google Calendar. By removing these time-consuming bottlenecks, Apps frees you up to spend more time on learning and teaching.

  • Invisible IT that just works

Spend less time managing your IT infrastructure. Your students, teachers and administrators always have access to the latest software, including the newest features and security updates. You don’t need to buy or maintain servers and everything can be managed from a single interface. And yes, it really is free.

  • Go Green

Moving to Google Apps helps reduce both your organization’s overall expenses and its environmental impact. Apps is powered by Google's energy-efficient data centers, so it’s less energy and carbon-intensive than on-premise servers.


  • Gmail
Inbox space for everything, and no ads

Google Apps offers up to 30GB of storage per user, powerful spam filtering and a 99.9% uptime SLA. All hosted by Google - there’s no cost, and no ads for students, faculty or staff.

Work fast, save time
Gmail is designed to make everyone more productive. Up to 30GB of storage means no need to delete anything, powerful search means everything is in each reach, and labels and filters help your users stay organized. Gmail is securely powered by the web, so students and faculty can be productive at home, on the road, or on their mobile devices.

Connect with people, according to your rules
The inbox isn't just about messages, it's about people too. Text, voice, and video chat means that students and teachers can see who is online and connect instantly. Don’t want your students using chat? Want to limit who can send emails to whom? It’s all in the administrator’s control.

  • Calender
Easily schedule lessons and meetings
Overlay multiple calendars to see when people are available - a great way to manage staff schedules, for example. Google Calendar sends invitations and manages RSVPs.

Integrated with your school’s email
Google Calendar is integrated into Gmail and inter-operable with popular calendar applications.

Share with classes, teams and clubs
Calendars can be shared school-wide or with select colleagues. A range of sharing permission controls help maintain security and privacy.

  • Drive
Access your files anywhere
Google Drive on your Mac, PC, Android or iOS device gives you a single place for up-to-date versions of your files from anywhere.

Bring your files to life
Share individual files or whole folders with specific people or your entire team or even contractors, partners and constituents. Create and reply to comments on files to get feedback or add ideas.

Store everything for next to nothing
 Get started with up to 30GB of free space for each user. Need more? Starting at $5/user/month for 100GB, your IT team can provide up to 16TB per user.

  • Sites
Easy to build
Students can build project sites without writing a single line of code. It's as easy as writing a document. And, to save even more time, you can provide them with hundreds of pre-built templates.

System and site-level security controls
Administrators can manage site sharing permissions across the school, and authors can share and revoke file access at any time.

Works across operating systems
Google Sites works in the browser on PC, Mac and Linux computers. Teachers, students, and parents don't need buy or download software.

1. Google Apps for Education

IT Technology: Sched

  • A Lightning Fast Mobile App

Your Mobile App automatically stays up-to-date and keeps your attendees informed. And since the data is stored locally, you'll be safe even if WIFI goes down.

  • Showcase Your Event Schedule

Sched makes it simple to display your schedule in a gorgeous and intuitive design. Fully-hosted and seamlessly integrated into your website or Wordpress site.

  • Personal Agendas = Social Media Wildfire

Attendees can create a personal agenda on your website and mobile app. Sched makes it so easy to share online that events typically gain a +217% viral lift in traffic.

  • Meet Your Audience

Discover your most influential attendees and popular content. Increase your sponsorship with insight into your audience demographics and detailed brand affinities.

1. Sched

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Microsoft: Turn on Automatic Logon in Windows 7

Method 1

You can use Registry Editor to add your logon information. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
2. Locate the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

3. Double-click the DefaultUserName entry, type your account user name, and then click OK.
4. Double-click the DefaultPassword entry, type your account password under the Value Data box, and then click OK.
If there is no DefaultPassword value, create the value. To do this, follow these steps:
a. In Registry Editor, click Edit, click New, and then click String Value.
b. Type DefaultPassword as the value name, and then press Enter.
c. Double-click the newly created key, and then type your password in the Value Data box.

If the Note:DefaultPassword registry entry does not exist, Windows 7 automatically changes the value of the AutoAdminLogonregistry key from 1 (true) to 0 (false) to turn off the AutoAdminLogon feature after the computer restarts.

5. Double-click the AutoAdminLogon entry, type 1 in the Value Data box, and then click OK.

If there is no AutoAdminLogon entry, create the entry. To do this, follow these steps:
a. In Registry Editor, click Edit, click New, and then click String Value.
b. Type AutoAdminLogon as the value name, and then press Enter.
c. Double-click the newly created key, and then type 1 in the Value Data box.

6. Exit Registry Editor.
7. Click Start, click Restart, and then click OK.

After your computer restarts and Windows 7 starts, you can log on automatically.

If you want to bypass the automatic logon to log on as a different user, hold down the Shift key after you log off or after Windows 7 restarts. Note that this procedure applies only to the first logon. To enforce this setting for future logoffs, the administrator must set the following registry subkey:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Type: REG_SZ
Data: 1

Method 2

You can also turn on automatic logon without editing the registry in Windows 7 on a computer that is not joined to a domain. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type control userpasswords2, and then click OK.

Note: When users try to display help information in the User Accounts screen in Windows XP Home Edition, the help information is not displayed. Additionally, users receive the following error message:
Cannot find the Drive:\Windows\System32\users.hlp Help file. Check to see that the file exists on your hard disk drive. If it does not exist, you must reinstall it.

3. Clear the "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer" check box, and then click Apply.
4. In the Automatically Log On screen, type the password in the Password box, and then retype the password in the Confirm Password box.
5. Click OK to close the Automatically Log On screen, and then click OK to close the User Accounts screen.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

AppleScript: Mount Drive / Connect to Server with Choose from List

I have written a script to mount drive / connect to server which you can select the drives that you would like to mount or the servers that you would like to connect from a list.

property server_list : {{name:"SMB", address:"smb://UK;", volume:"User1"}, ¬
      {name:"AFP", address:"afp://", volume:"User2"}, ¬
      {name:"SMB", address:"smb://UK;", volume:"User3"}}

tell application "Finder"
             eject disk "share"
      end try
end tell

set display_list to {}
repeat with the_item in server_list
      set display_list to display_list & name of the_item
end repeat

set choice to choose from list display_list with title "Mount Drive " with prompt "Please select your name to mount your drive" with multiple selections allowed
if result is false then return

if choice is not {} then
      repeat with the_name in choice
             repeat with the_server in server_list
                   if (name of the_server) is equal to the_name as string then
                                tell application "Finder"
                                      set x to mount volume (address of the_server & "/" & volume of the_server)
                                      log address of the_server
                                      display dialog "You have mounted your drive successfully. Click OK to exit." with title "Mount Drive" with icon note buttons {"OK"} default button 1
                                end tell
                          end try
                   end if
             end repeat
      end repeat

end if