Tuesday 10 May 2016

APC: How to Obtain Configuration File from APC Network Management Card

For all firmware versions, one option is to retrieve the config.ini file via FTP from the Network Management Card(NMC) device (or SCP if enabled). Steps for Windows FTP are provided below:
1. Open a command prompt and type: ftp<space><ip address of the NMC>
2. Log into the NMC device using your login credentials.
3. Type "bin" for binary mode and "hash" for hash marks (optional) indicating the transfer is in progress.
4. Once logged in, type get<space>config.ini.
Note: This will save the config.ini file to your current working directory. If you wish to save the file to a different directory, change your working directory.
5. Once finished, type "bye" and you will exit from the NMC device.

For Network Management Card 2 v6.0.6 and higher only, in addition to FTP, the web UI can provide an option to download the configuration:
This option is located under Configuration->General->User Config File and select the Download button as shown above to receive a prompt to save the file locally.

Once the config.ini file is downloaded via either method, you can open it and view all settings from the NMC device.

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