Monday 14 December 2015

Microsoft: Install and Configure Google Chrome Silently via SCCM

The following process has been tested and confirmed working with Google Chrome and ConfigMgr / SCCM R2.

It does the following tasks:
- Install Google Chrome silently
- Set Google Search as the default search engine
- Does NOT set Google Chrome as the default browser
- No ‘Getting Started’ page
- No ‘Auto Update’
- Remove desktop shortcut

1. Download the latest version of the MSI install file from

2. Create a text file called install.cmd and copy in the following information:
msiexec /qn /norestart /i "%~dp0GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise.msi"
if exist "c:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\master_preferences" copy /y "%~dp0master_preferences" "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\master_preferences"
if exist "c:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\master_preferences" copy /y "%~dp0master_preferences" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\master_preferences"
reg add HKLM\Software\Policies\Google\Update /f /v AutoUpdateCheckPeriodMinutes /d 0
sc stop gupdate
sc config gupdate start= disabled

3. Create a text file called master_preferences and copy in the following information:
"homepage" : "",
"homepage_is_newtabpage" : false,
"browser" : {
"show_home_button" : true,
"check_default_browser" : false,
"window_placement": {
"bottom": 1000,
"left": 10,
"maximized": false,
"right": 904,
"top": 10,
"work_area_bottom": 1010,
"work_area_left": 0,
"work_area_right": 1680,
"work_area_top": 0
"bookmark_bar" : {
"show_on_all_tabs" : true
"distribution" : {
"skip_first_run_ui" : true,
"show_welcome_page" : false,
"import_search_engine" : false,
"import_history" : false,
"create_all_shortcuts" : true,
"do_not_launch_chrome" : true,
"make_chrome_default" : false

4. Copy the MSI install file, master_preferences and install.cmd to your software package share

5. You can now create your SCCM package or deploy the software by using install.cmd

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